The Ukraine First public is now advocating giving them nuclear weapons

I often think of our founding fathers and wonder if they ever envisioned a future where a construct like a ‘think tank’ would play a prominent role in public policy. Something tells me that, like most Americans today, our founding fathers would have had little idea what a think tank does.

Like most entities originating and rooted in the DC swamp, think tanks tend to shape the decisions made by our duly elected leaders whether you agree with them or not, and even if you don’t actually vote for these unelected brainiacs who are inundated with weak advice backed by DC. biased research. Unfortunately, these think tanks know that you have no real idea about what they do, and they continue to reap the rewards of your ignorance.

The latest push by the most ridiculous ‘scholars’ at the pro-war think tank American Enterprise Institute (AEI) would have you think they’re doubling as Babylon Bee content writers, but they’re not, which is more sad than funny.

So what are they pushing now? Nuclear weapons to Ukraine.

Always a dumb idea

AEI’s Michael Rubin has written several hilarious articles in support of arming Ukraine to the teeth regardless of common sense or international security, with headlines such as:

  • Ukraine must be allowed to strike inside Russia to stop possible new attacks
  • While training Ukraine on F-16 fighter jets
  • How Ukraine really helped defeat Russia: weapons factories

Naturally, this progressed to its final form:

  • Ukraine needs nukes after war with Russia ends

So much for nuclear non-proliferation; Let’s go ahead and throw out the deal we agreed to in an effort to save the planet from someday becoming a radioactive chamber of death.

In his argument, Mr. Rubin said:

“If the world allows Russia to remain a single state and if it allows Putinism to survive Putin, then Ukraine should be allowed to maintain its own nuclear deterrent, whether or not it joins NATO.”

Apart from the obvious insanity advocating for more Nuclear weapons, in the above statement, it is essential to pay attention to the first part of the argument: “If the world allows Russia to be a single state” – this is not such a clever way of showing his argument that Russia itself should be. destruction

Not surprising, coming from one of the main architects of the Iraq War. And just how is Iraq doing these days? (Don’t ask him whether Iraq should be allowed to have nuclear weapons now that the invading foreign army — ours — is gone.)

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Mutually assured destruction

It’s not as if Mr. Rubin is unaware of the current threat of nuclear war with Russia. In a separate article he wrote for one of the many publications to which he is a contributor, he described the current situation in Russia:

“The threat of using nuclear weapons is real.”

So the answer is that a government and region known for arms trafficking and corruption have more nuclear weapons in play?

Mr. Rubin said in his AEI piece:

“Russian leaders have repeatedly threatened to use nuclear weapons. Of course, the fact that they do so reflects both weakness and desperation.”

This is exactly why the Doomsday Clock was moved 90 seconds to midnight. What time will it be if Ukraine has nuclear weapons, I wonder? It’s too lateAnswer that question.

Mr. Rubin continued:

“If the international community shows that an aggressor’s response to nuclear damage must ensure the victims of their aggression, in theory, the same, even the most bellicose dictator might think twice. Consider it Deterrence 2.0.”

I consider this Stupidity 101.

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the point

I know what you’re thinking, and I don’t get paid big money to work at a think tank. You wonder why anyone should care what some overeducated, overpaid gasbag has to say about foreign policy.

You should care because the people you elected into positions of power care, and these ‘thinkers’ are not some bunch of Socratic brain busters who debate and solve the world’s problems in good faith.

A survey conducted last year was aptly titled ‘Is there no such thing as free donations? Conflicts of Interest in Research Funding and Nuclear Weapons Policy Analysis found that nearly all primary think tanks accept:

“…donations from actors interested in perpetuating the current nuclear order.”

Now just on the nuclear debate; This same practice of biased pay-for-play research pervades all industries and finds its way into the faces of politicians and journalists as solid sources. Unfortunately, these think tanks serve as soft landing stops for those out of office, retired military brass waiting for their next civilian Pentagon position, and young activists looking to make their mark as informal public relations tools for any political party.

In other words, it’s a revolving door just like the politician-bureaucrat-lobbyist revolving door.

Take AEI for example, which can claim former UN ambassador and regime change extraordinaire John Bolton among its many ‘scholars’. Ranked as the #10 most influential think tank in the country, more than 20 of its ‘scholars’ served in the George W. Bush administration.

Think tanks… are one of many optional revolving doors for men and women interested in power and influence at the expense of your beliefs and taxpayer dollars.

Related: Twitter Files Prove Media Manipulated by Left-Wing Think Tank Disinformation

Do nothing, influence everything

When I was ready to retire from the military, I envisioned myself briefly working for a think tank. I thought, ‘You know, I enjoy researching, thinking and writing… I’d be a great fit in a think tank!’

Needless to say, I decided it wasn’t for me. A think tank is basically a research university with no students, only elites with PhDs who opine on whatever their field of expertise is in a way that requires them to do nothing physically, yet influence everything.

Take Mr. Rubin for example. A senior fellow at AEI, he is a former Pentagon official and a senior lecturer at the Naval Post-Graduate School.

Auguste Rodin the thinker We weep on its bronze perch at the surrender of our country to the obscurity of thinking in think tanks. Unfortunately, it’s only a matter of time before school kids are rehearsing nuclear strikes under desks between their studies on queer ideology and critical race theory.

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